“Free as air to all.”
Pequot Library is a cultural beacon for Fairfield, Southport Village, and beyond, providing professional library services and vibrant and diverse programming for all ages.
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Pequot Library resides on land that was part of the “Pequot Swamp Fight” (July 13-14, 1637), the last major action of the Pequot War. We honor the Pequot and Sasqua people who were killed, captured, and enslaved by English settlers during this battle. We recognize that the Pequot people were native to what is presently called Mystic, CT; after fleeing a massacre at the hands of the English, they sought refuge with the Sasqua who inhabited this territory, only to be pursued and surrounded here. We acknowledge their connection to this land, past and present, as well as that of the people who were native to this area, including the Sasquas, Uncowas, Maxumux, and Pequonnocks. We seek healing through this acknowledgment and strive to build relationships with Native American and Indigenous communities and nations through program partnerships, academic pursuits, historical recognitions, and community-building efforts.